Guide to Coaching Basketball
Guide to Coaching Basketball
The team that controls boards usually wins the basketball game. This is no secret and has been self-evident since the game was invented. Rebounding is so important, the technique must not be treated lightly. The team that is able to limit the opposition to one shot per possession, while getting second, third and fourth attempts for themselves, will consistently win ballgames. Eleven drills are explained and diagramed.
01 December 2008
How to coach, teach and use the run-and-jump man-to-man defense
I don't know who gave this defense its name; however, the concept has been around for ages. The run-and-jump defense is not a team's style of defense. It is really a part of a team's overall style of defensive play.... Read more>>>
21 November 2008
How to coach, teach and use the switching man-to-man defense
The switching man-to-man defense was the main defense Hall of Fame Coach Arad McCutchan used while I sat on his bench. Coach McCutchan brought it with him from Bosse High School in Evansville, Indiana. This was the defense used by the Bulldogs when the racked-up two Indiana State championships in a row during 1944 and 1945. This defense is an oldie, but a goodie; however, players must be on the same page... Read more>>>
14 November 2008
How to coach, teach and use the turn-and-double man-to-man basketball defense
This is an aggressive double-teaming half-court defense, in which the player guarding the dribbler takes him toward the sideline. As this takes place, the nearest defensive guard sloughs-off his man toward the dribbler. That is to say, between the player he is guarding and the ball....Read more>>>
08 November 2008
How to coach and teach the "Loose man-to-man" basketball defense
Indiana University's coach Branch McCracken used this basketball defense quite effectively. In the loose defense the players collapse preventing penetration of the lane. ...Read more>>>
01 November 2008
Eight more drills have been added to "How to coach and teach the conventional basketball fast break offense" and defend against the fast break...Read more>>>
24 October 2008
How to coach and teach the conventional basketball fast break offense
The basketball fast break is the ultimate offensive weapon in basketball. It affords maximum penetration to within a fifteen-foot radius of the basket on all occasions, and its effectiveness is usually determined by the amount of time spent in developing and exploring these fast breaking possibilities....Read more>>>>
16 October 2008
How to Coach and Teach The Basketball Stack Offense
I have often written of the need to disguise your half-court offense. The double stacked basketball offense is a good choice of a set to use in this manner. It allows you to immediately get into your real attack while attacking....Read more>>>>
1 October 2008
How to Coach the Tight Man-to-man Basketball Defense
This defense calls for one man to guard an opponent without ever leaving your assigned player or switching. Coach Branch McCracken used it against teams who didn’t use a lot of screens and was quite successful. There are coaches who insist they use only tight man-to-man defense; however, they are soon to admit that “teammates help one another out.” .....Read the article>>>
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