Camp Daryll Basketball
Camp Daryll Basketball Academy
Camp Darryl Basketball Academy
P.O. Box 50461
Kalamazoo, MI 49005
Contact Number:
Darryl Matthews:
Email address of the "Webhelper" Tom Wolf (Western Michigan University):
Posted: December 3, 2008: U-11 thru U-14 Tryouts Schedule
Who: 5th thru 8th grade Boys
What: Tryouts for the 2009 session of the CAMP DARRYL BASKETBALL ACADEMY Travel Basketball team
When: Sunday, January 11, 2009
5th & 6th grade: 1:30pm to 3pm
7th & 8th grade: 3pm to 5pm
Where: Anderson Athletic Center/KALAMAZOO COLLEGE
How: There is no pre-registration. You can register on site, January 11
We will be forming teams in the following age groups:
u-11(5th grade)
u-12(6th grade)
u-13(7th grade)
u-14(8th grade)
NOTE: If you're a high school student, but are 14 years old, you'll NOT be allowed to play on our u-14 team. Any high school students will have to wait until our March high school tryouts to participate.
What to bring to the tryout:
Parent/Guardian must be present
Copy of Birth Certificate and 2008-2009(current) Report Card
$20 tryout fee
*Parent/Guardian will have to register and sign a waiver for each prospect before they'll be allowed on the gym floor.
PLEASE do not bring your own basketball and carry your playing shoes into the gym.
If you have any questions please contact Darryl Matthews via phone at 269-217-6498 or e-mail Darryl at
Posted: July 9, 2008: Camp Darryl Goes Tax Deductible!!!!
Camp D is Tax D!!!
On APRIL 28th the Camp Darryl Basketball Academy became a
501(c)(3) Tax-Deductible Charitable Organization
You know what that means. That's right ...
All Donations are Tax Deductible!!!!!
If you have any questions please contact Darryl Matthews via phone at 269-217-6498 or e-mail Darryl at
or CLICK HERE for general information about how to claim your 501(c)(3) deduction:
Player Info
ACT/SAT- guys , it's important to sign up and take these exams. Go to our links page and click on THE PRINCETON REVIEW for help. This is a site that gives practice exams, and helps as a study guide. You should also click on the INITIAL ELIGIBILITY CLEARINGHOUSE(NCAA), for some valueable information on what you need to be considered for a scholarship. NOTE: if you're not registered through the NCAA's clearinghouse, you will NOT be able to take official visits! The tests are an important part of becoming cleared. Contact Darryl if you have any questions.
Established in 1999, Camp Darryl Basketball Academy is a Kalamazoo based youth basketball organization for young men ages 11-17. Our players are from all over Michigan. This program is for players who want to improve their basketball skills via practice & competition. We stress fundamentals & work ethic in our program as well as citizenship. We also stress commitment, dedication and the value of education. We feel that this not only leads to success on the basketball court, but will most importantly lead to our players becoming productive adults. Our staff teaches and coaches basketball in a way that life lessons are being taught along with skills of the game. Through participation in Camp Darryl, we attempt to instill a sense of self pride with our members while striving for the common goal of the team succeeding as a result of the hard work of each individual. We seek out the best available competition to play against, and we travel throughout the region and Country to compete against the best.
CDBA goes 501!!!!
Pictures of the week
"Camp D Alumni at WMU"
"Camp D Alumni at WMU".
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