Branch West Basketball
Branch West Basketball

Branch West Recruiting Assistance Service
(Click Here)

#1 college basketball recruiting assistance in the USA

Designed to assist outstanding high school basketball players, who are being under recruited or are not being recruited at all, and get them recruited to all levels of the NCAA on full or partial athletic scholarships, or financial aid packages which will save parents major thousands of dollars.

Bob Gottlieb

Associate Director Jane Gottlieb

Will be celebrating 40 years of marriage on December 14th, 2008.

Jacksonville University
(Head Coach 1973-1975)

University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
(Head Coach 1975-1980)

Creighton University
(Asst. Coach under Eddie Sutton 1969-1971)

Kansas State University
(Asst. Coach under Jack Hartman 1971-1973)

Long Beach State University
(Asst. Coach under Tex Winter 1981-1983)

Oregon State University
(Asst. Coach under Ralph Milller 1983-84)

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