Atlanta Hawks Fan Networking
The Celtic's defense showed up huge against the Atlanta Hawks who the C's have beat 3 times this year, but only by a total of 10 points; two of those games the C's won by only 1 point which gives Atlanta the feeling that they can beat the C's especially after last year's 1st round (taking the Celts to 7). But after last night's win, 104-92, having 10 blocks, the C's were sending a message: "get it out of our house".
This big win helps the Celtics maintain the East's second best record, especially with Orlando blowing out Cleveland, and also shows the Atlanta Hawks how good the Celts can be even without Mr. Kevin Garnett. Pierce, Ray Ray, and Rondo were solid as usual with Pierce scoring 21 with 6 rebounds and 5 assists, and Rondo scoring 20 with 6 assists and 2 steals, nice!! Meanwhile Perkins dominated the glass with 10 rebounds and 7 blocks as well as Big Baby doing his thing again with 19 points, a steal, and a crazy block, amazing! (The kid gets better with every start.) Then the Celts' bench did what they needed to do, and it was great to see Tony Allen back out there.
So another big win by the Celts. With Cleveland losing maybe it's time they fall off and we take it to the end! Next game is Wednesday, April 8th vs the N.J. Nets at the Garden... Lets keep it up C's and as my boy Matty would say," How 'bout a losing streak for Cleveland in the meantime!"
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